Buenos dias!! our new
district will be all Spanish so I better start practicing
It was a good week!
Very busy and flew by........ I am excited for a new
transfer but my mind
is just blown. I literally feel like I got to Derby 3 days
ago. I don't even know
how that just happened.
As I was just telling
mom.. I hope to at least see a tornado! I am in Kansas so
I better!!! (Lot's of warnings over the weekend)
This week is transfers
and Sister Hannah and I will both be staying another
transfer here in
Derby. I am happy to have a new transfer and a fresh start
to work our hardest
and to see miracles these next six weeks!!
We had a good week,
minus the fact that all 3 of our investigators that
were preparing for
baptism have kind of fell off the face of the earth....
We have faith that
they will pick right up though and continue pressing
forward. It's a new
week in the service of the Lord. We are going to work
harder and smarter and
become more like the missionaries that the Lord
would have us become.
Here is a poem that I
LOVED this past week:
"My life is but a
Between my Lord and
I cannot choose the
He worketh steadily.
Ofttimes He weaveth
And I in foolish
Forget that He seeth
the upper,
And I the under side.
Not till the loom is
And the shuttles cease
to fly,
Shall God unroll the
And explain the reason
The dark threads are
as needful
In the Weaver's
skillful hand,
As the threads of gold
and silver
In the pattern He has
Our Father in Heaven
truly does have a plan for EACH of us. I know this to
be true. I know that
it's hard to trust in Him but if and when we do that,
life is so simple. We
are all on this path to prepare to return back to Him
and I am grateful for
the restored gospel to help us get there. I know this
is His Church! I love
you all.
Sister Smartt
ps I get to
"see" you in just a few short weeks (via Skype of course)!!